
Advertising on Medical Nepal

Advertising on Medical Nepal
Medical Nepal is the number one ranked health and medical news website on all major search engines. Medical Nepal provides advertisers with various routes to access to our large, high quality and information hungry audience of healthcare professionals and patients/consumers, carers and family health decision makers.
Medical Nepal is  an advertiser funded website – we accept relevant advertising from pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies, healthcare organisations, advertising agencies and from selected advertising networks.
Whatever your campaign objectives – direct response, branding, disease/treatment awareness, content distribution – we have opportunities to help. We aim to partner with advertisers to ensure that advertising is relevant to our audience and that campaign objectives are achieved or exceeded and that all data/KPIs are measured and acted on.
Advertising on Medical Nepal is easy and effective – display advertising can be geo-targeted (based on IP). There are several advertising units on each page - above and below the fold. We offer a wide range of advertising unit options - from standard IAB sizes to rising star units, half page units and various non-standard sizes. GIF, SWF, rich media, video and expandable units are all accepted. The site automatically adjusts layout and ad units to suit the device being used to view it, so we are also able to offer desktop or mobile only campaigns.
Technical specifications – we haven’t yet come across an ad unit we can’t serve! However we don’t accept pop ups/unders, interstials, floating, in-text or intrusive advertising. As we have no video content video pre/mid/post-roll (without a player and content) is unavailable. Expandable/rich media units must be user initiated with a polite load.

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Want to find out more about the opportunities on offer? Please contact the Medical Nepal  Advertising Team by using  Our Contact Form.
Our page provides further information on our company and editorial policy. You can also find out more by reading our Privacy & Policy


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